
Kuwait Ministry of Health announced gradual return to normalcy as part of Phase four plan. Below the effects on Shipping industry: Crew change not allowed; All types of Visa issuance remain suspended with exception to Government related matters…
In Which Ports is COVID-19 Testing available?

Waterfront Maritime Services is #joiningthedots to help our clients get their crew home safely from any port in the world, especially during this unprecedented and challenging COVID-19 induced environment.
Sulphur 2020 Regulations

From 1 January 2020, the limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships operating outside designated emission control areas is reduced to 0.50% m/m (mass by mass).
Crew Change Impact

Waterfront Maritime Services is #joiningthedots to help our clients get their crew home safely from any port in the world, especially during this unprecedented and challenging COVID-19 induced environment.

Crew change resumed in Bahrain from 04 Jan 2022 with strict protocols in place. Visa availability for crew would be as per the existing regulations (some restrictions are existing for certain nationalities which would be advised by immigration).

In an effort to prevent the spread of new coronavirus strains in the Sultanate and based on the decisions issued by the Supreme Committee, the Civil Aviation Authority adopted the following restrictions regarding the condition of entering the Sultanate through Oman Airports.

At present there is no restrictions for vessel arriving from High Risk Countries unless the crew is found suspect or COVID-19 positive. If any suspect or positive case is found on vessel prior calling to Qatar Port, the vessel will not be permitted to berth.
Saudi Arabia

In case a crew member is tested positive then the vessel will need to wait 14 days at anchorage or at OPL for Quarantine as per instructions from port authorities. In case any COVID-19 symptoms are shown, ship master must immediately inform the port agents

Master has to provide a confirmation letter that all his crew is healthy prior calling to Umm Qasr Port and await until vessel is given berthing clearance. Vessel with infected crew members will not be permitted entrance into port.
In Which Ports is COVID-19 Testing available?

Waterfront Maritime Services is #joiningthedots to help our clients get their crew home safely from any port in the world, especially during this unprecedented and challenging COVID-19 induced environment.