WaterFront Maritime Services


We believe SAFETY and the ENVIRONMENT is everyone's full-time job and it comes before productivity.

These principles are not just policies but embedded in our company culture and workflow processes.

ISO Certification

We take pride in being one of the few Global Agencies with ISO certification for Hub Agency Services, including:

ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System)

ISO 14001:2015 (Management System for Occupational Health & Safety)

ISO 45001:2018 (Management System for Environmental Management).

This underscores our dedication to maintaining the highest standards in quality, environmental management, and occupational health & safety.

Our workflow-based Agency Management System ensures that HSSE is integral to all aspects of our business, from operations to finance and documentation. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and alerts are extensively used to measure, manage, and report on our HSSE objectives.

We have developed an internal application available to all of our staff via an App on their phone. The application allows us to capture and report any ‘Incidents’ and ‘near Misses’.

We are expanding the scope to include ‘Safety Hazards’ observed, not just incident or near-miss reporting.

We are implementing a new initiative to enhance the Safety Culture to get every employee to report hazards that do not necessarily impact their jobs.