WaterFront Maritime Services

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All Ports

Effective 4th July onward, if any vessel coming to Djibouti within 30 days of entering any ports in India, Brazil or South Africa, disinfection will be done at berth.

Crew change not allowed. 

Any passengers coming from or having made transit through India, South Africa and Brazil will no longer be allowed to land in Djibouti until further notice.

All other passengers must have valid COVID vaccination certificate and PCR negative report to enter Djibouti.


Passengers traveling to and from the Republic of Djibouti by any means (aircraft, boats, trains, collective transport vehicles) must :

  • Be tested for COVID-19 upon arrival at air, land or seaports of entry and will cost for test30$;
  • Have the results of a COVID-19 test at the time of departure if required by the authorities of their country of destination;
  • Be equipped with protective masks when leaving or arriving at points of entry ;
  • Respect the physical distance of one meter, if possible at all stages of the journey;
  • Have hydro-alcoholic gel on hand throughout the journey.

At the airports, railway stations, and land borders of the Republic of Djibouti, there will be waiting areas for the movement of passengers to ensure that passengers are kept at a safe distance from one another and that their temperatures are taken at an appropriate level, as well as isolation zones.

The Republic of Djibouti has instituted COVID-19 testing under the following conditions:
For arriving travelers:
  • All passengers (except for transit passengers and crew members) arriving in the territory and over 11 years of age will be tested (saliva test) ;
  • Passengers must refrain from ingesting solid food within half an hour before the time of the test;
  • The test will be carried out at the airport and the results will be delivered to them within one hour after the end of the test. Cost for test -30$
  • Pending the results, no passengers will be allowed to enter the national territory;
  • Passengers who test positive will be cared for by the health services following the guidelines in force in the country;

Arrival testing point will be available at:

  • Djibouti International Airport;
  • NagadCentral Station;
  • At the land border crossings of Loyada, Galilee, Galafi, and Balho;
  • At the ports of Tadjourahand Obock
For departing travelers:
  • The screening center for passengers departing from Djibouti will be at the Bouffard testing and care center;
  • Testing Samples will be taken every day from 08:00 am to 12h00. This is a PCR test, the results of which will be available after 4 hours;
  • The test is valid for 72 hours, and passengers are responsible for arranging to have a valid test when they leave the country;
  • Passengers who test negative will be issued a COVID-19 “negative” test certificate;
  • Departing passengers who test positive will not be allowed to board or cross the land or sea border.

In order to facilitate the continuity of flights while preventing the spread of COVID-19, crew members who will be required to stay in the Republic of Djibouti :

  • Will be exempted from screening tests on the express condition that they submit a medical follow-up file from the airline companies, in particular concerning COVID-19 screening tests;
  • On arrival, they will be subject to temperature control and interrogation in search of symptoms suggestive of the disease;
  • From the time they disembark until the time of their departure, they will move within a sanitary corridor, making sure that they wear masks and respect the rules of physical distance.

Any person diagnosed as positive will be in accordance with national guidelines:

  • All Djiboutian or foreigners residing in the Republic of Djibouti diagnosed positive for COVID-19 may, following an initial assessment of their clinical condition, be offered care in a hospital identified structure for this purpose or isolation and care at home if the clinical conditions permit;
  • All foreigners not residing in the Republic of Djibouti who tests positive for COVID-19 will, depending on their clinical condition, will be offered isolation and treatment at their own expense in a specially designated hotel or a hospital.

Based on above guide line on signers must go to vessel directly from airport. Hotel stay not allowed. Off signers must go to airport directly from vessel. Not allowed to stay in hotel.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1620217348152{margin-top: 0px !important;}”]Disclaimer: As local conditions and regulations can change by the hour, before making any firm plans please contact Dubai.Ops@waterfront-ms.com to give you the latest updates for individual countries.[/vc_column_text][stm_post_comments css=”.vc_custom_1605807849136{margin-right: 150px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”272″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_pageable][/vc_column][/vc_row]